
Thursday, September 9, 2010

And, we're back....

So, it's been a while, huh? I know, I know, I'm totally slack. Clark is into EVERYTHING now, I have been working really hard on getting my business started, and my husband and I have started teaching a young married couples class at our church! I've been super busy. I am having to learn everyday what it means to multi-task, which is totally not my strong-suit! Anyway, I'm kinda glad that I'm back on a Thursday, so here goes Thankful Thursday...

1. I'm thankful for my parents! Evans and I had soooo much to do last week to get our room at church ready (including a new coat of paint, or two), and Mom and Dad were so great to watch him several times for us. Okay, and they also kept him while we went to the Carolina game last Thursday night so we could have some time with our friends, too!

2. I'm still thankful for the chance we had to go to San Antonio! It was a WONDERFUL time, and I wouldn't have traded it for the world!

3. I'm thankful for our church! Evans and I have had a great time getting ready and studying for our new Sunday School class. I think we did pretty well for our first week, we'll see how it goes next week!

4. I'm thankful for great friends. We had a great time at the game last week with some awesome friends and I get to see lots of my friends next weekend at a bridal shower. Not to mention all my friends that I don't get to see very often. I'm so thankful to have wonderful friends in my life :)

5. And, as always, I'm thankful for my wonderful husband. I love him for so many reasons, and I am so thankful that he's mine :)

That's right, he's my prize!

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