
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Potty training blows...

Well, we didn’t find out at our visit on Monday…but that’s okay. I was aiming to have the nursery cleaned out by the time we knew if we had a boy or girl, and I could totally use another month to get ready!

On another note, do you think it would be okay if Clark went to high school wearing diapers? I mean, what’s the harm?!? Potty training is by far the most difficult thing I have done as a Mom. For real.

We gave it a go in February, but taking care of a sick husband, and a child who had no interest in using the potty created a recipe for disaster. I decided to wait and give it a shot when Clark actually seemed to care. Since then, he has asked to use the potty, and done so successfully several times. Even though he doesn’t have to be, I would like for him to be potty trained before he starts preschool in the fall, so we gave it another shot this week.

We had a doctor’s appointment and errands to run on Monday, so we waited until Tuesday to start. I decided to let him go nakey the first day so that he would be more aware, or at least start to realize the sensation of needing to use the bathroom. Also, Clark is very independent, so he was able to run to the bathroom and get started without me. He did great. We only had one accident all day, and that was right before bedtime when I decided to try “big boy” underwear in between bath time and bed time for a few minutes.

Wednesday was not so great. Actually, it was absolutely horrible. We started off trying to wear “big boy” underwear. That didn’t go so well. We had 5 accidents before lunchtime. I’m talking, he would use the bathroom, put on a pair of underwear, and pee in them 5 minutes later. What is going on? As soon as I put him in the bed for naptime, I ran to the computer in search of advice. I came across a blog written by a woman who has also written a book on potty training. Lucky for me, there was a question from a lady who was having the same problem as we were having. Her child does great when nakey, but has accidents non-stop while wearing underwear. Great…so I’m not the only crazy one out there! The lady writing the blog suggested that you “sacrifice” a pair of underwear, cut the crotch out, and let them get used to wearing underwear like that for a few days. Whatever, at this point I will try ANYTHING! I ran and grabbed a pair of underwear, cut out the appropriate area, and would have them prepared as soon as he woke up.

Only he didn’t want to go to sleep. After an hour and a half, he was still laying in the bed talking. “Are you kidding me,” I thought to myself. Then things got even worse. I felt my stomach start to turn, and ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. And got sick. Three times. Ugh. Great. Now I have a child that won’t sleep or pee in the potty, and a tired and sick Mommy. And where is Daddy, out of town. (Not that he could help it. He was out working hard so that Mommy can stay home with the little monster!)

I thought for sure that my day was getting better when he finally fell asleep after lying in the bed for a little more than 2 hours. I plopped down and got a little rest, and felt much better when we both woke up 2 hours later. “The rest of this day is going to be better,” I told myself. Oh no. Not so fast Mommy. Clark came into the bonus room after getting up, and I was so excited to show him his new special underwear, until I smelled poop. And then I saw it on his hand. Nasty.

Anyway, after cleaning up that disaster, Clark was still a little hesitant about the new underwear, but wore them for a little bit. We made it through the day, especially since Nana and Papa came over and brought dinner  I seriously considered giving up potty training, and just letting him wear a diaper forever. Or at least until elementary school. Or maybe high school.

And then Thursday came, and Clark woke up asking to wear his “special” underwear. Maybe this will work out after all…

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