
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Seriously? Y'all sound like a bunch of girls!

So yesterday, Mom, Clark, and I went exploring. We went to look for some new cool places to take Clark this summer, and ended up in Cayce. We ate at the Kingsman since we hadn't been there in a while, and soon after we were seated, a group of well-dressed business men, probably in their lates 40's or so, came in and sat at the table beside us.

I was listening to their converstaion (yes, I LOVE to eavesdrop), and realized they were talking about baseball. The more I listened, it didn't really seem to make sense. They were talking about some guy that was only batting .200 (I think that's how you write that!)and how he pulled the guy out of the game. Now, I knew it wasn't Ray Tanner, but I thought maybe they were high school coaches, but high school baseball is almost done for the season. Then I realized they were all sharing stats that they were reading off their blackberry's.

Are you kidding!?! These grown men were in such a deep discussion about their FANTASTY baseball teams! I really don't have a problem with fantasty baseball or football or whatever, it just cracked me up how intense these men were about trading their players, and what their plans were for the rest of the season. They were still talking about it 45 minutes later when we got up to leave!

My husband doesn't understand how women can talk about shoes, handbags, and celebrities for hours on end. I; however, don't understand how men can talk about FANTASTY baseball for hours.

To each his own...

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