
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I know everyone feels this way....

but I really think I have the coolest kid EVER! I mean, I think he's adorable, and can be really sweet when he wants to be. It is the most amazing thing to watch him grow and learn new things.

We haven't been to the zoo in about a month, so my Mom and Granny headed to the zoo with us early yesterday morning, trying to beat the heat. (The beating the heat part didn't really happen, but we still had fun!)

We've been to the zoo lots of times before, but Clark was so into everything yesterday. He would point at the animals and say, "I see cow" or "I see bird." Then we could ask him what sound the animal makes, and he would make the sounds. How cool is that!?!

We got around to the giraffe and they were doing giraffe feedings. We got Clark some lettuce, and held him up to let him feed them. Now, you're supposed to lay your hand out flat with the lettuce laying on it, and the giraffe will lick it off of your hand. Well, Clark decided it would be cooler if he shoved his entire fist inside the giraffe's mouth. The giraffe didn't seem to mind, but his mommy did. When he pulled his hand out of the giraffe's mouth, it was covered in giraffe slobber! EWWWWWWW! And yet, still pretty cool!!!

Anyway...not that I'm done rambling about my kid's awesomeness, I love hearing stories from other mommies about amazing things their children have done. So, share away...

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