
Friday, July 9, 2010

Picture this....

a screaming 20-month old gagging and crying with crocodile tears running down his face. No, he wasn’t hurting, he was just being super dramatic about not wanting to eat his lima beans.

I have been working really hard this week to get Clark to eat more vegetables. I’m talkin’ the kid won’t eat ANY. He used to do so well, but over the last month or so, he has gotten to where he won’t even touch them. Well, that’s not entirely true, he does enjoy picking up the beans between his fingers and smashing them, or using the celery sticks to dip in the ranch, then lick it off.

This has become such a serious issue to me, especially since he has been constipated several times lately. And frankly, having to put on gloves and manually help him “do his business” is not really my idea of a good time.

I know he needs to learn to eat the veggies on his own and develop a liking for them, yada yada yada, but right now, my job as his mommy is to make sure he consumes them. Even if that means literally putting them in his mouth and making him swallow (which is easier said than done, BTW)!

I have been racking my brain and searching for ideas on what the best option is. Since my goal right now is just to make sure than he is consuming the amount he needs, I have decided to start pureeing the vegetables and cooking them into other foods that he does like. My sweetie pie husband went out and bought me a cookbook full or recipes using pureed vegetables, and I’m not gonna lie, I think it will be great for me and the hubs, too!

We’ll see how this goes, but either way, I’m hoping for a more relaxing dinner time!

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