
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Big "Thank you!"

While thinking about my brother- and sister-in-law today (who are currently going through a 12-month deployment), I thought I would make a post about them, and everything they are BOTH sacrificing for our country.

I have known my brother-in-law for 9 years now, and he is a wonderful person! He truly believes in our country, the fact that he is overseas for a reason, and that he is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. He is a great husband, and a wonderful father. I personally can’t wait to see him with his little man again! He is sacrificing so much to ensure that all of us have to ability to enjoy the rights that we have as American citizens. He is missing out on birthdays, their 2nd anniversary, his son’s baptism, and an entire year with his wife and son.

My sister-in-law is equally wonderful! I talk with her often about what she is going through, and she is truly one of the strongest people I know. Since their sweet little boy was only 2-weeks old, she has done an amazing job of taking care of him by herself, and never once complaining. She has tackled sleepless nights, the joys of breastfeeding, trying to tackle a schedule, and cloth diapers! There are days she doesn’t even get to talk to her husband, and some days when she only gets a minute or two.

I have watched these 2 in amazement the last few months, and pray for them daily. I am so thankful, not just to my brother-in-law, but to all other troops who are serving, or have served, our country. YOU are the ones who have given all of us back home the opportunity to see our spouses every day, to live without fear, and to have the rights that we do.

I am also thankful to all the spouses of these soldiers. These are the women/men who “hold down the fort” while their spouses are away, who take care of children, and are the stronghold for their soldiers. Thank you for sacrificing everything you do! There are people out there who know that you are going through a lot, too.

Please say a prayer for the troops’ safety, and for the strength of their spouses today!

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