
Thursday, April 15, 2010

This isn't exactly what I had planned...

From the time I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. I could think of nothing better than spending every day with our little man, not missing out on any of the amazing little things he does, and not having to get up and get dressed to go to work!

I had visions of drinking my coffee in the morning and watching FOX News, pajama days, play dates, and plenty of time just enjoying our son.

Our son was born in October 2008, and I was still teaching at the time. I had the option to take up to 12 weeks, but knew I would only get paid for the sick days I had accrued. Well, having only taught for 1 school year, I only had about 3.5 paid weeks, but decided to take 7, which would have me returning to school after the Christmas break. There were several times during my maternity leave that my husband encouraged me to not return to school. As much as I wanted to, I knew that the best thing to do was to finish out my contract with the district.

I went back to school in January, just as sad as I could be. I remember telling my husband, with my tear-filled eyes that I would rather have an epidural every day, than to have to deal with the pain of leaving him. Luckily though, my mom and husband have very flexible work schedules, and were able to bounce him around between the 2 of them from January till June, when I could finally stay home!

I remember just squealing with joy as I walked out of school on June 6th last year, and hurried right home! We had a busy summer with traveling, Vacation Bible School, and get-togethers with friends. Once school started back in August, things started to die down. Everyone was busy with their own things, and I started to get lonely. Now, I was more than excited that I wasn’t starting a new school year, but I began to realize that things weren’t going to be exactly as I had planned.

Some weeks we have so much to do that I don’t even have time to think, but some weeks, like this one, are pretty slow. I LOVE getting to play outside with our son, cooking dinner for my family, and having a nice clean home, but sometimes it gets lonely. Most of my friends aren’t stay-at-home moms, and the ones who are, aren’t close enough to come over for a quick visit.

I do miss having adult conversations, and I really wish I had a close friend nearby who is in the same situation I am. There are 2 houses in our cul-de-sac for sale, and I selfishly pray every once-in-a-while for another stay-at-home mom to move in!

Are there any other stay-at-home moms who feel the same way, or am I just crazy?!?

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