
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A First Time for Everything

I was watching Clark play in the bathtub a few nights ago, happily splashing water around, accidently swallowing some, then I heard it, and my heart dropped.

He was grunting! (Red faced and all!)

NOOOOOO! I screamed to Evans, who was in the other room, to come and help as fast as he could. I tried my best to quickly get him out of the tub, but I was too late.

He squeezed it out before I could wrap him up!

Evans got Clark out of the tub, and I promptly clean and disinfected both the bath tub, and all the toys in it! I fully expected poop in the tub at some point, but was still kinda grossed out since it was the first time it’s happened!

As I was scrubbing away, I sat there wondering, “How did I get from sorority formals, to this?!?”

As soon as I walked into his room, and saw him sitting there with a big smile on his face, I thought to myself again, “I wouldn’t trade this for the world!”

1 comment:

  1. Great story! And yes, even though little boys can be a PAIN IN THE RUMP sometimes, they are the best!!!
