
Friday, June 4, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce.....


That's right, the terrible two's have officially taken up residence at our house, or rather, have taken over our son!

I'm not sure what happened to our sweet little man, it's like all of a sudden, he's cranky and moody, and he's willing to pitch an absolute fit when he doesn't get his way. Now, this isn't all the time, he was super sweet this morning when he crawled into bed with us for a few minutes when we all woke up. He still has those moments, but more and more often, he's willing to lay down in the floor and scream until he feels like stopping!

So, being the super organized and controlling person that I am, I went to the library and checked-out (yes, I'm also frugal) some books on child development, and getting through this stage of life.

I just started the book this morning, and have already been relieved to hear that this is normal, and that it can start as early as 18 months (Clark is 19 months)! At least I know I'm not alone, now I'm just going to have to keep reading, and come up with a good plan on how to handle all that comes along with the terrible twos, so that Clark comes out on the other side being a well behaved child!

Now I think I'll go get suited up so I'll be prepared to fight this demon that has taken over!


  1. Eek! Be good, Clarkie!! Don't worry, mama. I'm SURE you'll have it all taken care of and Clark will be a good boy :)
