
Monday, June 7, 2010

My new favorite thing!

While Evans was at his sales meeting in Vegas, he had the opportunity to visit lots of vendors who had set up booths to try to persuade him and the other sales reps to sell their products. Now, Evans doesn't sell these, but since all the divisions of his company were there, the Purex vendor had a booth and was attempting to gain some support in the home care division.

Evans thought it looked like something I would be interested in, so he decided to check it out. (I guess all my talking actually sank into his head a little, because I have been talking about wanting to try these out!) The rep was trying to promote the Purex Complete 3-in-1 laundry sheets. Evans put his name on a list, and one week later, we had a bunch of samples delivered to our house.

While I was catching up on laundry this weekend, I decided to try one out. As soon as I opened the packet, it smelled GREAT! And it was super easy to use. I dropped 1 sheet down into the washing machine, transferred it over to the dryer with the clothes, then tossed it in the trash when I folded the laundry.

How easy what that?!? As a Mommy, I love things that not only make my job easier at home, but this will make my job easier while running errands. Instead of having to buy a huge thing of detergent, a bottle of fabric softener, and a box of dryer sheets, all I have to buy is 1 box of these laundry sheets! Isn't that super!?!

Now of course, Evans wanted to know how much these were going to cost. Compared to detergent alone, it costs about $.05 more per load (BUT....that doesn't include fabric softener and dryer sheets). Now, I didn't go out and do a bunch of research, but once you add in the cost of the two other products, just buying the Purex Complete sheets would be cheaper in the end.

Cheaper and easier- who doesn't love that?

Now, I was not paid to review this product, so it's of no benefit to me, but I would absolutely recommend it to anyone! Trust me, as soon and I run out of the samples, I will be running to the store to stock up on more!

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