
Wednesday, June 2, 2010


We went to my brother-in-law's graduation last week, and he was graduating from the same high school that my husband and I graduated from, and things have totally changed. I mean, the school we went to literally isn't the same. They have torn it down almost completely, and have rebuilt with newer/better buildings, we didn't know any of the administration who were sitting on the stage, and they have changed the colors of the robes to a RIDICULOUS shade of blue.

As we were sitting there reflecting on our graduation 9 years ago (my husband actually sat in the seat right behind me), and everything we have accomplished since then, we realized that we didn't miss it one bit. I know there are people who LOVE high school, who are still best friends with their high school buddies, and who cannot wait for the reunions. We just don't feel the same way. It's nothing about our school, or any person or event in particular, we have just moved on from that.

I'll always love the fact that I met my husband in high school, even though I don't consider us high school sweethearts since we didn't start dating until January of our senior year. The more I look back on my life though, the more happy I am with where we are now.

The past is important because it has lead us to where we are now, but I'm so much more excited about our future!

I couldn't find a picture of us from graduation, but here's our prom picture from 9 years ago- Yikes!


  1. Haha I love this picture!!!

    And I love that y'all new each other in high school. It makes me happy.

    Miss you, sis!

  2. Thank ladies! The picture is slightly embarrassing, but I thought it was funny!
