
Monday, June 21, 2010

Double Date? Yes, please!

Sounds kinda like a night of middle-school fun, huh?!? Well, it wasn't like the girls met the boys at the front of the movie theater or anything, but we did get to go out with some friends this weekend.

We had a dinner at church for the VBS workers from last week, so we headed out after to grab a few drinks.

Our first stop was Wild Wing Cafe. I LOVE their food, but we weren't hungry, so we ordered our drinks after waiting 10 minutes for a table. Not that the wait was bad, but we were surprised that there was a wait a 9:00. The drinks and the company were great, but about 30 minutes into the conversation, the band starts, and they are like RIGHT beside our table. Now, this may show that I'm getting older, but we really weren't interested in trying to yell over the band to hear each other, so we paid our tab, and headed for a quieter spot.

We went to a nice little restaurant called Blue Fin, and decided to sit outside since it had actually cooled down below 90 degrees! We started talking, and had the BEST time. We literally sat there for hours, but it was so great to talk to another couple who we have so much in common with. It was great to learn that we're not the only ones going through what we are going through.

It was 1:00 AM before we left, which was was past my curfew :) We can't wait to do it again soon, though!

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